Optimizing Your Setup for Better Gaming Efficiency

| Updated on September 25, 2024
Setup for Better Gaming

Ask any serious contender about optimized setups for enhanced gaming efficiency, and you’ll get an unequivocal answer. Avid gamers constantly seek ways to boost their PC, Mac, or smartphone’s performance to provide high-octane entertainment. 

It’s all about ensuring an extraordinary user experience, maximizing performance, and delivering on expectations. Performance-based issues abound on suboptimal setups, particularly with tournament-style play. 

These riveting contests require rapid-play action, quick decision-making, uninterrupted gameplay, and extraordinary audiovisual prowess. Any time players experience hanging pages, frame-rate drops, or performance-related lags, this presents poorly. 

In one-on-one tournaments, players must act fast to capitalize on the erroneous decision-making of fellow players. By optimizing your gaming rig for maximum efficiency, it’s possible to gain a marginal edge over the competition.

For many players, it’s all about the hardware under the proverbial hood, but truthfully, there are plenty of tips and tricks to fine-tune your gaming performance.

For one thing, it’s imperative to keep drivers up to date. Things like hardware drivers and graphics card drivers should be regularly updated. These drivers often contain performance-enhancing improvements, security fixes, and source code updates to enhance gaming performance. 

Imagine competing for high stakes at Zynga poker multi-table tournaments only to find that your hardware is slowing you down and preventing you from acting – folding, calling, raising, re-raising, or going all-in on a premium starting hand or making that call to stay in the contest.

It’s a hellish thought because the stakes are incredibly high with things like multi-table tournaments and the all-new Trillionaire Maker – Zynga’s marquee MTT. With trillions of poker chips up for grabs, efficient play is sacrosanct. The last thing a skilled player wants is sub-optimal hardware and software. 

Fortunately, this particular tournament accommodates decision-making with a unique feature known as a Time Bank. This is an extra allocation of time given to all tournament participants, and it especially helpful when additional thought is required in decision-making. 

For players upgrading system performance, the time bank is a valuable feature to ease into your new hardware capabilities. This powerful resource can be used at your discretion to help you make better poker decisions in pressure-cooker situations.

Breaking Barriers: Pushing Through System Limitations

Importantly, every gaming device – PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone – has an inherent functional capacity. While gaming, you want to direct as much of your hardware device’s resources towards the gaming action. 

To do so, you must close out any unnecessary applications, programs, updates, or other software to ensure that most of your system’s resources are being expressly directed toward the tasks at hand – gaming. This is arguably the most critical of performance-based tip for tournament players.

After disabling any resource-heavy apps that are currently running on your device (if you’re a mobile player), it’s time to close out any web browser pages that drain processing power from your system. This goes for media players, file sharing programs, or current music, movie, or video downloads. 

You want your system to focus exclusively on the action at hand – not peripheral tasks, functions, and activities. Back in the day, PCs were prone to overheating. If you’re still running an older rig, check that the fan is working and cooling. Temperature controls are easily visible in the settings. If your system is running a fever, it can shut down and disable the tournament action.

Computers are fantastic devices in that they allow for upgrades. You may want to install optimisation software including things like GeForce Experience, or even Radeon Software, depending on compatibility issues. Certain games have specific requirements which are easily viewable upon inspection. 

You may want to manually adjust (or automatically adjust if possible) your hardware and software settings for the ultimate gaming performance. Hardware upgrades are a great place to start. You can add more RAM, or switch over to an SSD to dramatically boost the efficiency of your system for enhanced tournament performance.

Boosted Gaming Efficiency on PC & Mac Devices

Much the same is true for Mac-based hardware where GEForce NOW is ideal for cloud gaming. It works on M1 Mac and other versions. And while all the action is swirling about in your favorite gaming network, don’t forget to shore up your Internet connection. Remember high-speed Internet with plenty of bandwidth is ideal for gaming purposes. 

While Mac isn’t ideal for intense MMORPG gaming action, it is a solid option for native Mac games, and software systems like Crossover are good for older games. Streaming games offer a superb gaming experience on all hardware systems since they are not running on a PC or Mac.

Kimmi Dhiman

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