How to Get Rid of Your Computer Virus?

| Updated on September 26, 2024

Computer viruses, malware, and other forms of attacks continue to increase, and removing them is indeed a complex task, especially if one has no antivirus software installed.

But yes, if there would be proper placement of anti-virus tools, this not only will upgrade the system regularly but also will prevent viruses and malware from running into the system.

One such anti-virus that can be of great assistance in this matter is none other than LightningX VPN.

The tool does away with computer infections with its capability of protecting and ensuring the security of the users’ information. 

This blog will analyze what makes this issue arise and how to effectively solve the problems, and remove the virus from your computer system. 

How to Get Rid of a Virus on Your Computer? 

The easier it is for viruses to sneak into your system, the more difficult it is to get rid of them. 

However, you still can go with the following strategies that can assist you in getting rid of the malware running into your computer program: 

Contact Professional Workers: 

Of course, not everyone in this globe is an expert in removing viruses from the computer system. 

However, if you encounter a computer virus, and if it’s challenging malware, like a rootkit, or ransomware, using anti-malware software and specialized removal tools doesn’t work out. 

Now you’d better contact experienced professionals, they know how to get rid of these kinds of viruses efficiently. 

Download Antivirus Software: 

Some computers come with antivirus software, but if you encounter advanced viruses, they can’t handle them. 

We suggest downloading advanced antivirus software to defend you from unknown and emerging threats. 

Employing Safe Mode: 

Computer Safe Mode works by booting up the computer without loading third-party device drivers. 

It allows the computer to run in the system’s minimal mode so that users can easily detect and fix errors. 

Safe Mode loads only the necessary drivers and data when it operates in diagnostic mode. 

When you eradicate the viruses, malware cannot interfere with your work by operating in Safe Mode. 

Sometimes malware infections can do so much damage that the only reliable mode of operation is Safe Mode. 

Restart Your Computer: 

Malware can exist on your hard disk and in your computer’s memory. Some malware can hide in memory to evade detection when executing malicious processes.

Restarting your computer can temporarily alleviate this situation as it will clear the RAM. 

Run a VPN: 

Run a VPN

You can run a VPN to decrease the risk of computer viruses. The recommended product LightningX VPN is the best VPN to help get rid of  computer viruses. 

When you turn on it on your computer, it can encrypt your online data, it can prevent receiving virus-attached messages or mail. 

  • It offers 2,000+ servers in 50+ countries. 
  • It protects your computer data, files, and major content with advanced encryption technologies like Shadowsocks, Vless, AES-256, and WireGuard. 
  • LightningX VPN is a multi-devices support VPN tool. It’s the best for PC, Mac, Android, iOS, TV, etc. 
  • It offers a 7-day free trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can use it without worries. 
Computer Virus Statistics

Do a Virus Check: 

Run a file virus checker to examine your computer for viruses or malware infections if you observe data corruption, performance problems, pop-ups, or spam your account. 

You can use malware detection software frequently to keep your computer safe, even if you don’t see any indicators of an infection. 

What is a Computer Virus? 

A computer virus is a malicious software program that spreads between computers and causes damage to data and software. 

It can sneak into your computer through various means, for example, you can receive an email with malicious attachments, you unknowingly open the file, and the virus finds a way to run into your system. 

These viruses are quite dangerous and harm resources, destroy data, and even monitor what users input into the computer system through a keyboard.

Do You know?
As noted by Discovery, the Creeper program, often regarded as the first virus, was created in 1971 by Bob Thomas of BBN.

How to Identify Your Computer Having Virus? 

Computer viruses are those uninvited guests that sneak into your system without your permission, and access everything you have.  

Let’s look at the signs to identify them: 

  1. The computer performs slowly: Your apps and files are taking a long time to load, also the computer is running slowly, which means that probably a virus has entered your system. 
  1. Unknown programs and software: You discover strange and new software and programs that you haven’t installed in your system. 
  1. Files are disappearing: If you notice that your files are disappearing and moving from their place without your intervention, that indicates that the virus has been manipulating your files. 
  1. Blocking of the System: Your computer is not allowing you to access the system and its function, so there surely will be a ransomware attack.  
  1. A continuous pop-up of the advertisement:  The advertisements frequently pop up on your screen and ask for your attention, that’s a classic symptom of adware, a type of malware. 

If you somehow indicate any of these symptoms, there is a higher possibility that your system is in possession of viruses or any malware attack. 

Now, don’t fret and jump to the next section to prevent computer viruses. 

How to Prevent Computer Virus? 

The threat of computer viruses and malware attacks continues to increase, harming your data, privacy, and the performance of the system.

However, by implementing safety measures and good practices, one can effectively reduce the growing risk of spreading viruses in computer programs.  

These measures include: 

  1. Regularly Back-Up Your Data: Regularly making backups of your collected data is pivotal for data management.

    In case your data and information, including images and documents, somehow get infected by viruses, you can still have their access as you restore the files. 

  1. Keep Up-To-Date: Don’t miss out on the advantage of automatic updating, and regularly update your system, browsers, and apps. 

    The latest version eliminates the flaws detected in the software that allow hackers to view your activity and steal your information. 

  1.  Be careful of suspicious emails and ads: On receiving a suspicious email with an attachment, do not open it and delete it instantly before it runs into your system. 
  1. Install Anti-Virus Tools or Software: There are plenty of internet security software available that can assist you prevent your computer system from viruses. 

Make sure to choose the reliable and appropriate one that guarantees the safety of your data and system. 


Computer viruses can indeed be so annoying and can interrupt your smooth ongoing workflow. 

However, taking preventive measures in advance can help reduce the chances of viruses sneaking into your system.

Practices such as regular updates of system software, performing backups, and applying good security systems can be effective measures one must take to prevent computer viruses. 

Kimmi Dhiman

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