7 Reasons Hospitals Need High-Quality Medical Weighing Scales

| Updated on 30 November 2024

I don’t like standing on the weighing scale because I don’t like knowing about my weight. But did you know the high-quality medical weighing scales are absolute essentials in the hospital?

 In a case study, it was said that Scales are essential in medical facilities, providing critical information for patient care, including medication dosing and nutritional screening (Weighing the risks: Hospital scales, accuracy, and safety, 2023).

This case study tells us about all the potential risks and safety measures that come with weighing scales. So, in this article, I’ll tell you about the 7 reasons hospitals need high-quality medical weighing scales. This is going to be an interesting article, so make sure you read it till the end. 

1. Accurate Medication Dosages

You might be aware that taking medication at the right dosage is important. High or less dosage can result in critical conditions and do you know what basic prescriptions are given? Medications are rightly proportioned to your weight, depending on your weight the dosage will be decided.

And how will your weight be determined? Yes, you get it with the help of a high quality weighing scale. Some of the weight-based dosages include chemotherapy drugs, anticoagulants, and antibiotics. 

2. Monitoring Nutritional Needs

Many patients require nutritional therapy because many of them are malnourished. To maintain their intake, their body weight needs to be measured frequently, and that’s how their consumption of nourishment will be decided.

Weighing scales are important in such cases because, without them, proper measurement can’t be determined. If it can’t, it would create issues for the patient, as they won’t get the right amount of nutrition and can become victims of chronic diseases

3. Assessing Fluid Retention and Edema

If your weight is being checked correctly then in case there is any fluid imbalance it will be detected. An imbalance in fluid causes several problems like swelling or edema.

However, it would be taken care of as your weight will indicate if you have been having issues with your body fluid. Your weight tells a lot about you, so it being measured properly is necessary, and that’s when medical weighing scales are used.

4. Supporting Bariatric Care

As we are aware, obesity is one of the major issues at the current time. People are suffering because of this and there are several treatments and surgery to cure this problem. But even to do that, your weight needs to be measured properly.

The medical weighing scale keeps the weight of the patient in check before surgery they do it so they can prepare things according to it, and after it is used to see the results. Sesca scales for healthcare professionals is one of the examples of many clinically tested and verified scales.

And you might not know that the weighing scale market is far bigger than you might imagine. Take a look at the graph below. 

U.S. Electronic Weighing Machines Market Size in USD Million

5. Facilitating Neonatal and Pediatric Care

You might be aware that newborn babies require a lot of care and even a little bit of changes in them during their birth could be a potential threat for them. Their weight at the time of their arrival matters a lot.

Medical weighing scale specialized in neonatal and pediatric care helps In managing and pinpointing all the issues in infants. These scales help monitor and give proper medical dosage to newborns.

6. Ensuring Infection Control

I was amazed to know that there are medical scales that help in controlling Infection. Don’t get it? Different high-quality medical weighing scales come with easy-to-clean and antimicrobial surfaces/designs.

As these machines are used by several patients Infection is a major concern but since these are already coming with such features it prevents any type of Infection from infecting any of the other patients.

The first ever weighing scale was invented in 3100 B.C.!

7. Enhancing Workflow Efficiency

weighing scale

Last but most importantly, these scales enhance workflow efficiency. Modern weighing scales are embedded with the latest technology that can save all the data directly onto computers and records that keep everything in check. Also, learn about Fraud Analytics Detects Healthcare Fraud by reading this article.

Manual data entry is reduced to very little to non-existent which helps in saving a lot of time and that time can be utilized somewhere else. Mistakes and errors are also most likely to not happen.

Kimmi Dhiman

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